
New Frontiers in Heart Rate Variability and Social Coherence Research: Techniques, Technologies, and Implications for Improving Group Dynamics and Outcomes.

  This article, written by Rollin McCraty, discusses a new application using HRV monitoring in social coherence research and the importance of physiological synchronization in group developmental processes and dynamics. Building on the extensive body of research showing that providing feedback of HRV coherence level at the individual level can improve self-regulation. Click here to
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Heart-Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions

This monograph written by, Rollin McCraty explores recent scientific advances that clarify central controversies in the study of emotion, including the relationship between intellect and emotion, and the historical debate on the source of emotional experience. Click here to read full article.

Resilience Training Reduces Stress in Police Officers

Resilience Training Program Reduces Physiological and Psychological Stress in Police Officers         Click here for article

Coherence – Cost Effectiveness Study

Here is a Cohort Study on Coherence and Health Care costs:

Coherence – Children ADHD

Research on Coherence Training In Children With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Cognitive Functions and Behavioral Change:    

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