Conflict Resolution requires Dignity!

I just finished a wonderful book “Dignity” by Donna Hicks.  I first learned about her in a class with William Ury and Thomas Hubl.  She is an expert on conflict resolution worldwide. What she learned in the profound journey in working with conflict is amazing.

She spoke in the interview with William about the difference between respect and dignity.  Dignity is something we all need and deserve, without it, can cause wars.  It is the acknowledgment of you Being a child of God/Universe/Source, no matter what your personality displays.

Respect is earned.  I have always heard “respect” your elders, your Priests, your elected officials, etc.  As the world has unfolded as truth is being shown to us all, there are many in these roles that I don’t respect.

Think about what you have seen in the world.   Do you respect the Priests who abused?  Do you respect teachers who name call?   Parents who abuse?  Doctors who misuse their power?  Corporations who harm people and environment?

Declaration of Human Rights says “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”.

When we mistreat others on any level, we have violated their dignity.

Here are 10 temptations to violate one’s dignity:

Taking the bait..don’t let bad behavior suck you in.

Saving Face…don’t lie, cover up or deceive yourself.

Shirking responsibility..don’t do this when you have violated the dignity of someone.

Seeking False aware of your own need for approval and praise.  Dignity resides within

Seeking False Security.. not letting your need for connection compromise your dignity.

Avoiding Conflict..stand up for yourself

Being the Victim..don’t assume you are innocent, you maybe be contributing to the problem

Resisting Feedback…We often don’t know that we don’t know or how we are impacting others

Blaming and Shaming Others to Deflect your Own Guilt.. control the urge to defend yourself by making others look bad.

Engaging in False Intimacy and Demeaning being critical and judgmental with others who are not present is harmful and undignified.

If this inspires you, please read the book!!!