
What are your obstacles to Love?

I have been noticing more and more people willing to talk about Love these days! Love is a frequency/vibration we can all tap into anytime we want. A few months I was sitting in a circle with other Matrix Leadership friend and this subject came up. I quoted Rumi…“Your task is not to seek for
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The body as a means of communication.

This a line in the Course of Miracles. One that took me sometime to wrap my mind and heart around. Let me see if I can serve your understanding of this statement. As a young woman I pondered so much! One thought that kept floating through my mind was “God gave me this body (suit
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Understanding what happens when we are experiencing stress?

Once again in understand the physiology of stress and it’s impact in our own systems and how it influences those around us is of vital importance at this time. We work in communities, we live in communities and we live in families. I found the more aware I am, impacts my choices! Here is an
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The Power in Words creating worlds.

In many Spiritual texts we are reminded of the power we have within us to create our world.  They have a “sound” which is a frequency. As we speak our words consider this.  Sound/frequency goes out into the world moving atoms and particles in response to them. Do we want our words to inspire?  Do
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