heart intelligence

Time to plug into the heart!

I was at a conference this past weekend with some wonderful speakers all talking about the power of the heart and we all need to do this daily. The heart qualities of love, peace, joy, compassion, wisdom, appreciation are so needed to fill the collective field now more than ever! The world is changing at
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In the boat of uncertainty.

As I was on a call Friday with a group of people from Matrix Leadership a common theme was being spoken of being in this boat of uncertainty and not really knowing what is next. I was blessed to be in a breakout room with 3 men, all I have known through this organization. I
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What can you do knowing life is changing due to a virus?

I felt compelled to add my voice to this conversation. I have read much about this apparent collapse of how we have been conditioned to “do” things. I am, as you are, being called to question most things. One huge question for me is, “who do I choose to be in this crisis”? Since I
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What is possible?

What is possible?

What if, as you sit and listen, came out of your head and landed in your heart? Will you take the time and really feel into these words? Allowing your heart to open, feel deeply into what gets aroused in you. Take this into your day, your week, your holidays and into the new year.
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Get a handle on it!

I was on a call this morning with a group of colleagues as I do every morning to keep my heart open wide.  I listened to many of the women joyously stating their encounter with the auspicious moon.(blood moon, super blue moon and eclipse )  After all it was an event that will not happen
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