nervous systems

Amygdala hijacking eased with the heart.

This connection between the heart and brain once understood and applied can change our perceptions of life and how life responds to us. One formula I have used often is E+P+R=O and when I remember to apply this I find a deeper understanding of communication and what can happen that leads to disconnection to others.
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Trauma impacts us all.

The amount of traumatic energy on this planet is influencing us all at such a deep level in our nervous systems.  With all the social media we are exposed to, seeing  things on the other side of the planet we never saw before.  The wars, famines, poverty, inhumanity all impacting our nervous systems constantly. Even
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Human Longevity Project….part 4

What does it take to live a long healthy life?  This part is about what researchers are finding out about the impact our fast paced life is having on children.  We need to pay attention!! What we are finding out is, the saying “kids are resilient” is not true.  They are being impacted in their
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