
What will it take and are you ready?

Have you ever wondered what it will take for things to change? What will it take for me to change. We are such creatures of habit, I know I am. To change we need to be honest with ourselves. Perceptions we have are based on our past programming , conditioning and beliefs. These are regulated
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Politics needs an upgrade!

The reason I think politics needs an upgrade is due to the chaos and divisiveness that I see and hear going on, in our country and around the world. Upgrading from fear to love.  Just one finger away;-) On a spiritual level, it is the age old battle in the dualistic mind of good/bad, right/wrong/,
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Really looking — seeing

Eye gazing—much different from eye contact—is a way to do just that. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll see and the emotions you’ll feel through the experience. It rarely disappoints. I remember doing this exercise when I was facilitating within the Matrix Leadership Institute.  It truly touched me deeply.  The other time I did this
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