
Creating personal coherence leads to social coherence into global coherence

Being a HeartMath trainer and coach I get to learn and study these things. Let define coherence first. Dictionary: coherence is a quality of being consistent and logical. Another definition: quality of forming a unified whole. One we use at Institute of HeartMath when we train is: An optimal state in which the heart, mind
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Life has a way of throwing curve balls!

Have you ever had the experience of truly planning your life, a job, a relationship, party, dinner, a move, etc and mid-stream you got some news that totally changed all of your plans? I have witnessed clients go through these things, now it was my turn! My husband and I were planning to move to
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Understanding what happens when we are experiencing stress?

Once again in understand the physiology of stress and it’s impact in our own systems and how it influences those around us is of vital importance at this time. We work in communities, we live in communities and we live in families. I found the more aware I am, impacts my choices! Here is an
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Gardening with Love!

I know some of us cringe at the word love. Do you? Notice what happened as you read that. What happened in your body? What thoughts popped up for you? Emotions? What the world needs now is more love! Dionne Warwick song from many years ago “what the world needs now is love”. Yes, I
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Recent Gallop Pole Studies show…..

There are a few studies out there from Gallop pole this year and last. For example, even though reportedly the economy is growing, more Americans were stressed, angry and worried than ever before. 45% said they were worried, 22% felt angry a lot. In fact, the 55% of Americans who report being more stressed was
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