Sacred America/Sacred World..impacts our hearts


This book named above was written by Stephen Dinan, a wonderful co-conspirator in creating a new America that could work for all of us.  I read this book and wanted to share some insights that touched my own heart and it’s desire for freedom.

In reading this book, I became aware of the current political polarity in this country. The first thing I want to say is that we are all impacting each other consistently throughout the day via the signals our hearts are radiating.  By this, I mean, the emotional frequency that we are feeling in each moment sends a wave of energy out to people who are close to us.  This has been proven by science and has always been mentioned in our spiritual texts.

As we move into a new way of being, I know for myself, I must account for this energy and what I am feeding the field at that moment.  If I am angry, scared, worried my own body/brain can not shift to a higher plane or way to view the situation.  This is my responsibility to do this for myself.  I can teach you how to do this.

The book talks of America’s Vision of how we can serve not only our country (nationalism-American citizen) but being a world citizen on the global stage.

E pluribus unum “out of the many, one”.  As Stephen says,” it points beyond political alliances to a spiritual role America has charted for itself. We find this higher purpose reflected in the stars above the eagles head, arranged in the Star of David, an ancient symbol for bridging of heaven and earth…creation of larger political require a shift of identity toward a greater whole.On the spiritual side, when we recognize our oneness, we stop fearing, hating, or attempting to destroy the perceived other.  We get to expand the boundaries of “our” tribe.”

What does this mean to you?  Can I be a “hoosier” a “Sheehan” a “woman”  etc and still become bigger than that?  A citizen of this amazing world I live in?  How can I personally contribute to this goal?  For me, it is through my practice of the heart.

However , before we can embrace this vision we must clean up a few things.  Have you ever thought about all the violence that we see each day?  The media soaks us in this, watch out for this, be careful of this, and of course be fearful of all who are not like you, politically, gender, religiously, sexually and the list goes on.  So, in this book he points out what America was built on….think about this one…genocide and slavery!  (I personally have a son-in-law that is part Chinese, part Native American and part Hispanic, it took me awhile to figure this one out.  Who built the railroads?)

My daughter has chosen to work in New Mexico where she has worked with the indigenous peoples for years, seeing first hand what not being “honored” has done to so many on the Reservations.

This shadow aspect of America truly needs to be healed for us to move on to our greater good and in service to the highest vision of who we are.

So, my question to you, is this…what are you willing to do each day to heal this?  In this moment, place your hand on your own heart, this accesses the Spirit.  Then begin to breathe in and out of your heart, this balances the nervous system and access what we are entitled to “this connection to Spirit”.  When you feel this space, then ask your heart for the answer.

Let me know what you discover!