
Essay from Steve Jobs, a lesson learned.

When I came across this, it rang true in my own heart.  How much of my life I ran after what had little value to my Soul.  I wanted to share this food with you. Steve Jobs last essay: “I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In some others’ eyes my life
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Breathe …it opens our bodies up to release!!!

Breathe …it opens our bodies up to release!!!

I believe we all must learn to breathe properly to open our minds/brains up to new possibilities. This is especially important these days when we are witnessing rapid change, some we like, some we don’t like.  Either way, notice if you have a tendency to hold your breath.  I have noticed this in myself often.
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Why aren’t I sleeping well?

We all know how important sleep is for our health. Sleep is the time for our bodies to recharge and renew.  Optimally we require 8 hours for this process. One study showed that if we are awake for 19 hours, which many of us are, our performance levels are that of being legally intoxicated!

Human longevity project….we continue the exploration!

Again this series was very informative, this episode was on Cancer/Alziemers and how Centenarians  slow the diseases of aging or are able to avoid them.  In the western world we have the belief that as we age the body breaks down. They spoke of this break-down as a symptom which is actually the last to
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Longevity Project..cliff notes part 2

My passion in sharing this is my own interest in what it takes to live a long healthy, happy life.  There are so many components to being a healthy human being.   Many of these ideas are not taught in schools, to our children, the parents, etc. I hope you enjoy these cliff notes!  One
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