
Tired of anxiety and fear?

I know I had anxiety for years. Unwilling to own it since it was so deeply embedded in me from my childhood. It was how I got wired, no blame here, just what I experienced. I knew I had to get busy with re-wiring myself. I have! I continue to do this work, everyday. When
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The power of science and change.

The power of science and change.

So now we are 6 weeks into Covid-19, how are you doing? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? What is happening in your body? These are very pertinent questions you need to ask of yourself to become aware/mindful of your inner state. This inner “state” determines your biology. Emotions drive your physiology impacting
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It is just physiology!

It took me a while to understand that what was happening within me was just physiology based on what my emotions were! Many if not most of my emotions were habit, meaning they came from the past. A neural network had been established from some past event that would get activated in the present downloading
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Well- being through self-awareness!

 Commitment to your well-being through self-awareness could be everyone’s goal for this holiday season! Ask yourself what does well-being and  self-awareness mean to me.  It is different for everyone. As we are coming into the holiday season I notice people ramping up, don’t you?  I am noticing more advertisements to buy that perfect gift, have
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The wondrous Heart!!!

Why our hearts matter is because they play such a big role in leading an extraordinary life!!! Our heart rhythms affect the brain’s ability to process information with over 40,000 sensory neurons involved in relaying ascending information to the brain! The human heart’s magnetic filed can be measured several feet away from the body.

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