Tired of anxiety and fear?

I know I had anxiety for years. Unwilling to own it since it was so deeply embedded in me from my childhood. It was how I got wired, no blame here, just what I experienced.

I knew I had to get busy with re-wiring myself. I have! I continue to do this work, everyday. When you find your heart, and truly learn how to self regulate you transform old patterns. We think we can’t change, however with the discovery of neuroplasticity, science has shown we can! I am!

With the fear and anxiety many feel around this coronavirus, we need to train our bodies how to get out of this “habit”. If we don’t change this old survival pattern in ourselves the outer world has very little chance of changing. All mystics and teachers of the new science are saying this is our way out of the dilemma we are in, it will happen when we change our consciousness and hearts!

Most don’t know the power of the heart! In my own practice I had the most beautiful moment that I felt such love that I have never felt before. It was incredible bliss, and joy, my heart was lit up, I felt energy flowing through my entire body, in each meridian, each center. It filled my entire body. It came when I was just lying down to go to sleep, it came very unexpected. I give gratitude for that experience.

After years of practice, I tasted it deeply. So, I will continue to practice the art of the heart!

If I can support you in opening your heart, creating a new baseline, allowing your system to come out of survival physiology into more wholeness, love and harmony, please reach out.

May this video serve in reminding you of the power of your own heart.