heart brain harmony

Birthing a new world.

What would happen if we as a society began to see what is happening in the world across all sectors, is a birthing process rather than a “falling apart”? Notice if there is a difference in your body and emotions between the first one and the second one. Truly take a moment to experience if
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What we may not be aware of.

When a friend sent me this link I was truly amazed at the complexity of being a human truly is. We try to figure out behaviors of friends, relatives, co-workers, bosses, neighbors etc. This is why I have learned to have compassionate latitude for all beings. When I find myself judging another, I notice I
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Masking or not masking?

There is already so much written about the pro’s and con’s of wearing a mask. Whether they really matter, do they really keep out the particles, its a political move, getting headaches from the CO2 build up from your own breath. I think I have read most of it. Even a minister spoke of this.
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The choice for Peace!

Did you know that peace was a choice?  One we make every single minute of the day.  Contemplate that one! Right now I believe we all must access this frequency/vibration/feeling of peace as we walk through the uncertainty we all face in the world at this moment I noticed the other day my mind was
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Emotional self-regulation is a must in our society!

What is emotional self-regulation?  Why do we need it?  What happens when we don’t? According to wikipedia here is the definition :Emotional self–regulation or regulation of emotion is the ability to respond to the ongoing demands of experience with the range of emotions in a manner that is socially tolerable and sufficiently flexible to permit
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