Invisible seeds of disease – stress and anxiety

By now we all know that stress can create dis-ease in the body in many forms.  For me personally, it was the lack of deep sleep, as I mentioned in my last blog.  For some it is what is going on in the world these days.

I had a client come in desperate to have the pain in her neck gone. She had just seen the Doctor.   Scared about all the pain, wanting tests and procedures. He told her it was anxiety!  She mentioned me, and he suggested to go see me.

I knew I could help to release of the tissues and fascia. Align her neck and thoracic area.  I did.

On the deeper level as I listened to her story of her life, I heard repeated patterns of thoughts/feelings she had about what was going on in her life. Definitely draining her inner battery!

These are the very things we must be self-aware of.  Our thoughts(stories) and emotions are driving our physiology.  As I led her into the heart and breath, she became quiet.  This tool pulls us out of the head and into the body/heart.  She was gaining control over her own nervous system!!! She relaxed.

Now, is she willing to stay in this new peaceful place or will she re-engage the old way of being. Who knows??? The mind/head has a way of pulling us out of peace.