
Lowering blood pressure with Coherence!

I have been affiliated with the HeartMath Institute for 15 years now. I have used tools daily to change my own “wounds”. It has and continues to be an incredible journey to my own heart, love, compassion and forgiveness. So back in September of 2022 Tim, my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4B prostate cancer.
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Time to plug into the heart!

I was at a conference this past weekend with some wonderful speakers all talking about the power of the heart and we all need to do this daily. The heart qualities of love, peace, joy, compassion, wisdom, appreciation are so needed to fill the collective field now more than ever! The world is changing at
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Why Self regulation?

I don’t know about you but I find myself all over the place emotionally at times. I can notice anger, fear, frustration, peace, love, impatience, judgment, sadness, hope, gratitude, appreciation, contentment, wonder to name a few. Have you noticed this about yourself these days? And I also have awareness and an ability to shift 24/7
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Birthing a new world.

What would happen if we as a society began to see what is happening in the world across all sectors, is a birthing process rather than a “falling apart”? Notice if there is a difference in your body and emotions between the first one and the second one. Truly take a moment to experience if
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What we may not be aware of.

When a friend sent me this link I was truly amazed at the complexity of being a human truly is. We try to figure out behaviors of friends, relatives, co-workers, bosses, neighbors etc. This is why I have learned to have compassionate latitude for all beings. When I find myself judging another, I notice I
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