Why Self regulation?

I don’t know about you but I find myself all over the place emotionally at times. I can notice anger, fear, frustration, peace, love, impatience, judgment, sadness, hope, gratitude, appreciation, contentment, wonder to name a few. Have you noticed this about yourself these days? And I also have awareness and an ability to shift 24/7 out of the lower “vibes” when I choose.


Are you aware of the fact that harmonizing the heart and the brain allows you the ability to self-regulate your emotions, perceptions and your ability to think outside of the box? Accessing this state by choice and intentionally, we have greater capacity to finding solutions that are win/win for all.

In studying polyvagal theory when the heart and brain are in sync, we actually are in the ventral vagal part of the vagus nerve. This allows our nervous system to come back into balance and ease. What is fascinating for many that I coach, is the fact you can self induce this state any time you choose. You just need to learn how to.

In business circles the term used is “soft skills”. These soft skills of self regulation , serve you when your nervous system is being triggered/activated/hijacked/incoherence. Ask yourself how many times a day I find myself judging or blaming someone on their behavior? This takes you and me out of a state of coherence/ventral vagal.

When I am incoherent I lose access to my prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that has impulse control, decision making, ability for having empathy/compassion and more. We don’t know what/why someone is acting in a way that bothers us do we? I know this is when I really have to open my heart and have compassion for that person. They are hurting in some way and that calls for compassionate latitude on my part.

How many times in a business meeting, family situation or friendship are you able to notice this activation? Perhaps you notice it in ways of tension, resistance, mind chatter, or spacing out? AT these times simply notice what is happening in your body without judgment, and just breathe into that beautiful heart of yours, slower and deeper than normal.

Right now with the state of the world we are all going in and out of these states. Nothing wrong with this, your nervous is doing what it does to keep you safe. However, it is not optimal to our health or finding new solutions to current issues.

look at this image asking yourself which line best represents the state I find my self in when watching or reading the news?

The image on the right is a good one to keep in mind when interacting with the world. The top one is chaotic and drains energy, the bottom one is smooth and saves energy. If you would like to learn more let me know.

I had to turn the TV off. I wanted to stay aware of what is going on in the world. I had to track my own nervous system as I took in the news. I was aware of tension, either my sympathetic nervous system was on (talking to the people on the TV with passion) or dorsal nervous system was on (wow, why bother, nothing changes). I was witnessing all the polarities in the field, without being “neutral” This was not a good state for me to stay in. I chose consciously a different state. Returning to ventral vagal or a state of coherence. As a HeartMath trainer/coach it was about going to my own heart and activating a higher vibration to settle my own nervous system.

Many of my teachers these days are speaking of the power of LOVE. This is a very high frequency that has the ability, once activated by you, to shift your nervous system out of the fight/flight/freeze habit so many of us have become habituated to in the past 2 years. Fear has been marketed to us on many levels. The way out of the programs that have been installed in us, is LOVE, it is the doorway out.

Think about what you LOVE, who you LOVE, who shared LOVE with you. Allow yourself to feel into this frequency. Notice what happens in your thoughts, body and emotional state as you do this.

I am in many groups/organizations right now, radiating love to people, places and situations around the world. Working on raising the collective consciousness on the planet. We are all feeding the field with our own energy that is created by thoughts and emotions.

Research at the Institute of HeartMath, Lynne McTaggart, Dr Joe Dispensa, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden ,IONS and many more are teaching humanity that shifting our states does matter.

“A change of heart, changes everything” Heartmath.org

“We don’t change minds, we change hearts” NCBI

If you would like to learn more contact me at attend2heartdjs@sbcglobal.net




