Tis The Season!


I was at a conference this past weekend in Mexico that was fabulous.  I thought to myself how wonderful to begin this season in the heart.  What does that even mean?  Upon arrival I found myself anxious.  I had never been to this place before, I was traveling by myself.  Notice if you have any of these thoughts when going into the unknown.  Where was I going, who was I to meet, did I have enough money, have to be sure I have passport at all times, why am I doing this,would I be welcomed,  how do I exchange money and do I even need to?  The mind was wandering into all sorts of what if’s.  My body was getting tense.  These were nothing but thoughts making my body feel tension and stress, nothing outside of me was actually happening;-).  Have you ever had this experience ?

I must have looked like a deer in headlights!  A Mexican man came up to me at the airport, ushered me over to a “salesman”.  He began to engage me, he was kind. However once I got what his intention was, I  placed my hand on his hand and very directly and kindly said “no”.  He then told me where I could go get the “free” bus.

As I walked out of the terminal, again probably looking bewildered, another man approached me.  He told me where I could walk to get the “free” shuttle to the next terminal.  I thanked him and began to walk.  In a matter of moments, another man came up to me, took my suitcase and said” I will take you to the terminal, it is a long walk and if you wait for the bus it may be 45 minutes!  I did have to get to that terminal to take the shuttle to my hotel on time!  Before I knew it, he placed my suitcase in a cab and asked me if I had pesos.  I did not.  So for a less than 5 minute drive it cost me 20.00 dollars in US.

As I took the short ride, at first I felt “taken advantage of”, hurt that someone could do that to somebody. That lasted the for about 5 minutes.  Then being a trainer of the heart, I realized what I was doing to myself, draining my own inner battery and causing separation from another who was truly trying to “make a living”.  As my mind began to stop, I went to my heart and asked for guidance.

As I cleared the clutter of my own mind chatter , I found a feeling of gratitude that I could even be there  heading towards the conference of the heart.  I heard “when you let go, trust that all things are working for you, you will be fine.  Then, the thought came,  could this be truly a blessing, that you made it possible for him and his family to have a little nicer Christmas?  With that thought, my heart swelled, tears came to my eyes and I felt a deep sense of Gratitude.  In the giving I received my open heart again!!! A lesson of Love once again.

So at this time of year many religions are celebrating.  We are making resolutions for the next year, or perhaps even for how we will travel emotionally through the holidays.  If we add heart to stabilize our own emotions, the thoughts of separation that come, ( they do since we all have an ego) we can truly see the blessings in it all.  Will I drop into my own heart and radiate the frequencies of kindness, compassion and love so we can co-create together this heart-based life here on earth?

Neale Donald Walsh says, how much good can you accept in your life is based on your own feelings of worthiness.  So my question to all of you, and myself is “Are you worthy of the time it takes to put your full attention on Love and Peace”?  When I did, I found the blessing in what I thought was “being taken advantage of”.

There is a lesson in the Course in Miracles that says “All things are lessons God would have me learn, and so I choose to learn His lessons and forget my own”.  I think the airport adventure was one of these.

Einstein says “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”.  So this holiday season I invite you to shift your consciousness to one of Love, Peace and Gratitude. Watch the miracles happen!!!!

May this holy-day season you be the Source of LOVE for everyone you meet and greet!