Why Heart Coherence Matters.

photo by Kayla Kaupanger

Right now with so much changing and shifting outside of us we need to have heart/brain coherence more than ever! With the chaos and instability in the markets, financial institutions, food supplies, relationships, climate and politics being able to “handle” it all can be so much to manage these days. All of this can show up in us as anxiety, depression, sleep issues, not be able to think clearly, anger, impatience etc, eating issues etc. and none of us are immune to this according to my clientele.

We need a resource within to be able to use 24/7 when our nervous systems get dysregulated. It is not good or bad, it is what happens in our human body when it perceives a threat, real or imagined.

Take out a piece of paper please. Take your time with this, and ask yourself, if I could have anything I wanted for me, my family and humanity, what would truly want? Make a list and write it down.

Now draw 2 lines, the top one looking like jagged mountain peaks, very chaotic. Then draw below that one, a smooth sine wave with even rolling lines.

As you look at these, which line best represents the feelings you would have if you in fact got what you wanted?

What you are looking at is heart rhythm patterns and how they change based on our emotions. We can create a world we want by shifting these patterns/vibrations/frequencies on demand. Feelings are reflected in these patterns.

In 1995 this research done by the Institute of HeartMath which was published in the Journal of American Cardiology, found that heart rhythms cause us to feel a certain way and feelings cause heart rhythms patterns to go a certain way. The Institute proved this scientifically!

Emotions are connected to our hearts! Have you noticed more being written or spoken about the heart and love these days? We are being invited to raising our frequency or vibration to a higher level. If you want to know more about this David Hawkins wrote a wonderful book “Power vs Force” which goes into detail about why this matters.

Right now many are saying we need to raise our vibrations to make it through the chaos and turbulence if we truly do want to “create a more heart-based world”. What would this world look like and feel like to you?

This conversation is happening every where and in many circles of diverse populations. What is needed to change the direction humanity is going towards, could be this change in heart.

Many in the circles I am involved with, are saying we must “raise” our vibration. This means we need to learn how to change states from lower frequencies such as fear, hopelessness, anxiety, worry, judgement etc, to a more elevated state such as appreciation, care, love, gratitude, compassion etc. When we make this shift in state we influence 1400 biochemical reactions in our bodies that enhance our well being, our ability to think clearly, stop the judgmental mind, improve our relationships and generate compassion for ourselves and others as we go through these chaotic times.

We can learn to “self-regulate” our system through our emotions by leveraging this interface to have the feelings we want to have more of. Did anyone ever tell you as a child that you could do this? I thought that emotions just happen to us and we have no power over them. This is just not true. Increasing our sense of well-being, immune system, respiratory system, brain function, lower blood pressure, muscle tension, sleep and perceptions by intentionally shifting our physiology using the autonomic nervous system is masterful!

To do this we need to go to our own heart where our emotions come alive.

If you could have everything you truly wanted and still feel unhappy or miserable, would you still want them?

It is the feelings we are truly after! They are what drive our physiology.

When we shift from an incoherent(jagged line) to a coherent (smooth sine wave) remembering we are shifting 1400 biochemical reactions in the body! You and I have the power to do this when we learn how.

And right now, with what I hear from the media and such, we truly are going to need to be coherent to maneuver through these times of turbulence to be able to think creatively.

To be able to envision a different world that is harmonious. We need to create this within us first.

Gandhi told us to become the change we wish to see in the world. The Dalia Lama said brain development is important, but the biggest piece of intelligence is your heart.

Our world need our hearts to be coherent to aide in the establishment of our brains being coherent. The same sensory neurons in your heart are directly related to the ones in your brain. This is powerful to understand. When we get these working together harmoniously it changes our perceptions, improves mental functions, we have more mastery over our emotions, and our bodies begin to relax more often.

Are you interested in getting the heart and brain back into synch to be a more empowered human being? I personally have found after many years of practice going to my heart several times a day has connected me to a deeper Spirit, my own Essence, my Soul. From this deeper place within I can get the intuitive guidance that I need these days.

Let’s practice one core tool in the HeartMath system to get yourself coherent.

Place your hand on your heart. This simple move is done in many religions to this day and it takes our attention there. As we pay attention to our hearts the body begins to release oxytocin, which is the bonding/love hormone.

Now imagine the breath coming in and out of your heart, slower than normal, deeper than normal. To activate a coherent state the breath needs to be an even in and out breath. I personally use the count of 5 on the in breath and 5 on the out breath. Do this for about 1 minute or so. Of course if you are noticing more sympathetic charge in your body you could exhale a little longer, however it is the even in and out that creates a coherent state in the body.

Begin to notice the change in your body.

Now intentionally shift to a “positive or regenerative emotion”. The easiest one is gratitude or appreciation. You can use a place, a meal, a pet, a food, even another person to activate this feeling, it does not have to be politically correct 😉 Do this for another minute or so.

Now notice what has happened to you mentally, emotionally, and physically. Jot this down.

Would you like to create more of this in your life?

Shifting our states takes time and practice. All of those habitual emotions and thoughts are deep within us. We have to challenge them. This takes heart.

There are so many individuals and groups doing this work to truly raise humanity to a New World. I have enjoyed asking myself throughout the day “what am I feeding the field”? We do live in a unified field and as we shift our energy to a more uplifting one, we actually influence others in the field. This has been proven in many studies other than ones does at HeartMath Institute.

Are you willing to invest the resources to do this as we go through these amazing times of everything changing? Nobody knows how it will play out, however we can learn to respond to all of this rather than react to all of this. It is our choice. I truly pray that more of us will choose coherence and love.

If you are interested in doing this please contact me to begin the longest journey from the head to the heart.




