
Manifesting more love…shifts in how we see the world.

“When you love something, you grant it soul, you see its soul, and you let its soul touch yours. You must love something deeply to know its soul. …… In fact, until you can appreciate and even delight in the soul of other things, even trees and animals, I doubt if you have discovered your
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Problems of imbalance of masculine and feminine energy.

Inspiring women with Soul conference Lynn Twist told of Cherokee prophecy for the 21st century: “The bird of humanity has been flying for centuries with only one wing, the masculine wing, which is entirely masculine overextended,  overworked, overtaxed, working hard that it  has become violent.The feminine wing has not been extended.  It has been repressed
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How we get conditioned into Scarcity as a Society.

“For me, and for many of us, our first waking thought of the day is “I didnt get enough sleep.” The next one is “I don’t have enough time.” Whether true or not, that thought of not enough occurs to us automatically before we even think to question or examine it. We spend most of
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The Power in Words creating worlds.

In many Spiritual texts we are reminded of the power we have within us to create our world.  They have a “sound” which is a frequency. As we speak our words consider this.  Sound/frequency goes out into the world moving atoms and particles in response to them. Do we want our words to inspire?  Do
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Wrinkle in Time shares deep wisdom for us all!

During the movie “Wrinkle in Time” I found myself experiencing tears of joy, of compassion, of sadness and a resonance that I have not felt in watching a movie! In the beginning just resonating with Meg.  In the story she experienced deep loss and feelings of abandonment.  I remember this in my own life. These
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