
Wanted to share another way to “see”

When I go out into the woods, and I look at trees, I say, “Oh, look at that one, oh look at that one, oh how interesting!” I don’t ask why an Elm isn’t an Oak… I just appreciate them for what they are. Somehow it’s different when I get near humans, I somehow feel
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Really looking — seeing

Eye gazing—much different from eye contact—is a way to do just that. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll see and the emotions you’ll feel through the experience. It rarely disappoints. I remember doing this exercise when I was facilitating within the Matrix Leadership Institute.  It truly touched me deeply.  The other time I did this
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Another view …..

Another view …..

I came across this video that I wanted to share with you.  Since we are on the subject of pain, how to be with it, how to listen to it, what it is here to teach us about our inner world. I love going to my “healers” with my own pain.  I find it a
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How stress hormones affect your body

The first spark of anger activates the amygdala, whether we are conscious of it or not. This activates the hypothalamus.  The hypothalamus the pituitary gland to release corticotrophin-releasing hormones. The pituitary gland activate the adrenal glands by releasing ACTH.  The adrenal glands secrete hormones like cortisol , adrenalin and noradrenalin. Sources of anger can be
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Why Pain?

So in my 30 years of practice in the healing arts, this is one question I get consistently.  I often ask this of my own self, why pain, why does this hurt, why does that hurt? We can look at it truly on a physical level.  Let’s say you have been working outside then all
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