
Our last visit on “the Human Longevity Project”

This is our last conversation on this wonderful series “The Human Longevity Project”.  You can st google this,(human longevity project) there are a few episodes you can still view!!  If these cliff notes inspired you, I do suggest watching the video!!! This one is how do we move forward with what we have learned?  Modernization
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Human longevity project….we continue the exploration!

Again this series was very informative, this episode was on Cancer/Alziemers and how Centenarians  slow the diseases of aging or are able to avoid them.  In the western world we have the belief that as we age the body breaks down. They spoke of this break-down as a symptom which is actually the last to
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Human Longevity Project..the conversation continues

How healthy societies find purpose, gratitude and community was the topic of this episode.  What they are finding is that our modern culture is not the highest and best for human beings. We are experiencing so much information at such a fast pace that is impacting our brains and over-stimulating our nervous systems on a
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How to calm children through massage/appropriate touch.

How do we help our children calm down when they are experiencing the effects of stress?  Why would we even want to do this for our children?   Looking at what is happening to immigrant children, being separated from their “moms”, my heart experiences sadness.  Knowing that without touch, loving touch, their brains form differently.Could
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Human Longevity Project….part 4

What does it take to live a long healthy life?  This part is about what researchers are finding out about the impact our fast paced life is having on children.  We need to pay attention!! What we are finding out is, the saying “kids are resilient” is not true.  They are being impacted in their
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