
What is possible?

What is possible?

What if, as you sit and listen, came out of your head and landed in your heart? Will you take the time and really feel into these words? Allowing your heart to open, feel deeply into what gets aroused in you. Take this into your day, your week, your holidays and into the new year.
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How the body responds to stress.

I truly liked what he had to say and rather than paraphrase I wanted to share the text straight from his email. Since I have worked with my own stress response and many others what he says is valid! The Urban Monk said this: The health industry in the Western world is one of the
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A time to be Thankful!

As we approach this holiday season, we are invited to be more thankful. Since so many others are also activating this within themselves, it maybe easier to do this at this time of year. I would like to invite you during this holiday season to sit daily, quietly, alone in a safe place. Begin to
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Creating personal coherence leads to social coherence into global coherence

Being a HeartMath trainer and coach I get to learn and study these things. Let define coherence first. Dictionary: coherence is a quality of being consistent and logical. Another definition: quality of forming a unified whole. One we use at Institute of HeartMath when we train is: An optimal state in which the heart, mind
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Life has a way of throwing curve balls!

Have you ever had the experience of truly planning your life, a job, a relationship, party, dinner, a move, etc and mid-stream you got some news that totally changed all of your plans? I have witnessed clients go through these things, now it was my turn! My husband and I were planning to move to
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